Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Too Close to Call? Clinton called in NH

This is a progression blog.

It looks like Clinton and Obama are very very close as the polls just close in New Hampshire. With what returns are available (11%) Hillary is in the lead by a 1000 - that's according to CNN. Fox News has released their exit polling projections projections with Obama garnering 39% of the vote and Hillary 34%. But we'll see how it goes. Good luck Senator Obama... we'll keep following it! Follow the results by county with Politico here. (awesome interactive map)

::Update::9:08 Pm::

They're not calling the democrats, but the projections so far are proving correctly in terms of actual votes for McCain's victory - way to go Mr. McCain. As an aside, I just watched Gov. Huckabee's concession speech. I couldn't help but stare at his mouth -- is he missing teeth on his left side? Maybe it was the lighting but it looks like he's missing teeth on the left side. If he is -- in this day in age, heck even George Washington had wooden false teeth. And his wife much like Martha Washington - is austere to say the least. If I'm going to be critical of the Republican't opposition I might as well reiterate and once again stand by my assertion that Mitt Romney is a robot.

So far from the democratic side, it's gauranteed that Mr. Edwards is in third and Mr. Richards will be fourth. Our favourite fringe candidates Mr. Kucinich and Mr. Gravel are finishing things out but have rec'd more votes than I anticipated.


The race is still too close to call for the dems. Clinton pulled off important victories in Manchester and Nashua counties, but everyone is still waiting on the western front - which is the 'liberal' side of the state (closest to Vermont). That side is also home to a couple of college towns which is where Obama draws a lot of his support - from the young. Already analyst are looking at voter turnout and agree that if the population that voted consists mainly of older citizens then Clinton will have a stronger showing. (CNN) And the converse for Obama. Women in New Hampshire are coming out for the former first lady where she was abandoned in Iowa. (here)

In the words of Dogwooddell - this is going to be a nail-biter.


It looks like AP and NBC are calling the vote in New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton.

" CONCORD, N.H. - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won New Hampshire's Democratic primary Tuesday night in a startling upset, defeating Sen. Barack Obama and resurrecting her bid for the White House."

The other major News Outlets CNN & Fox News are refusing to call it with many precincts having yet to report. The folks at Fox are attributing the comeback surge to, in Bill Crystal's words, Clinton's 'fake tears.' I'm inclined to believe it. ...

::Update:: 10:49PM::

Wait, Fox and CNN have agreed... Argh, a tough night for Mr. Obama. But we're with you Senator, and we're still Fired Up! and Ready to Go!!!


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