Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Preparations for DC, week in review and remembering William Henry Harrison

It's been a busy week, I'm heading to DC tomorrow (Sunday) for our President elect's inauguration and this week has been filled with planning and preparations, and lots of work to boot which is why there wasn't much blogging - sorry. But do follow my twitter throughout the week and I'm taking the laptop and a camera so check back too for picture posts and hopefully a couple of opportunities for reflection. I'll be there for the whole week so hopefully I'll be able to cover a lot.

(Aside: Wednesday/Thursday in DC is the national march for Life and I hope to observe that -- I may even make a sign or two and join in somewhere, plus I have quite a few friends in DC that I probably won't get to see, but it's nice mentioning that they're there and that I'm thinking about them, good intentions and all)

But a lot has happened this past week. South Carolina residents were shocked and disturbed to find out that we're the nations landfill - literally, though I find this as an economic opportunity especially as we try and green our economy - see my support for landfill and water treatment plants gas exchange as sources for electricity. Also though the Governor (who I rarely agree with) sees it as an opportunity to raise money for the State by charging fees for other states to dump in SC. But we can't just think of it all about trash -- it's recycling, it's reusing, and in other ways it's reducing. I say reducing because just this week Coca Cola announced the largest plastic bottle recycling operation was opening up right here in the Palmetto State in Spartanburg, and in Georgetown another metal recycling service is adding 60+ jobs to the area, but these are only two examples of businesses around this state that are emphasizing and utilizing the three R's that we learned about in grade school.

Speaking of the Grand Strand Area - remember the Tower of Bible that a lady is pushing to build in Socastee? Well it looks like she got a cool reception from residents who are concerned about traffic and property values though not necessarily her religious values. And I chuckled when I read that the property to be developed in question is (was) a large trailer park.

If you head to Indigo Journal do read the piece by Tim Kelly on the outrageous prices that the Governor's office wanted to charge for copies of e-mails on a CD. This is in response to the "outrage" of Howard Rich's shills to the prices quoted by local school districts to FOIA requests for various specific information - something that, curiously, The State's editorial board picked up and decided not to investigate or inquire about.

And that brings us to the Governor, yeah his State of the State was on Wednesday night and it was full of the same old same old that he's been spouting for the past six years. So to commiserate with the poor condition of our state I went to the Whig where I ran into the Lexington Young Republicans. Who should be with this motley crew of conservatives but Josh Gross. We spoke politics briefly but mainly talked Catholic/Evangelical theology and history (Josh it was nice meeting you and you really should check out Phillip Jenkin's Lost History of Christianity). I also met Wes Wolfe from the Wolfe reports and kept him up way past his bed time - sorry Mr. Wolfe, but it was a good evening I'd surmise.

Other cursory reading before I finish up this post: This guy in Charleston is probably looking for a gun and a quiet cabin in the woods, that or he'll be chased off the peninsula by an angry mob soon. He is one of the many source foci for our economic woes, yes it's a declarative statement and I'm sticking by it, and apparently not the only one thinking it either. And Charleston is asking for a nice chunk of the bailout pie - a little more than 1 billion worth, for which approximately 100 million is being designated for the much needed commuter rail between Summerville and Charleston. In the upstate a report was released on the feasibility of a high speed rail service that will run through one of the world's largest mega regions from Macon Ga and Atlanta, to Greenville, SC, Charlotte, NC and points beyond up to Washington DC. This could add to the capacity and expansion of the upstate as a manufacturing juggernaut even as money tightens in the recession.

Well it's time to go buy wool socks and insulated underwear and long johns as the last bit to gather before the road trip. I do hope our dear PEOTUS, Mr. Obama, remembers the lesson of William Henry Harrison. And if YOU don't, then sit back and enjoy this short historical documentary on our nation's ninth president. (H/t to Rob for discovering this video)

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