Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It all came down to South Carolina

Waldo has an interesting post from an interview Mike Huckabee gave on where the race went wrong. The crux of the argument, had he one South Carolina he would have been the nominee. Some key quotes:

[Fred Thompson] obviously knew he wasn’t going anywhere, so he spent his entire time attacking me in the two areas we needed most, Greenville and Spartanburg. [Both are in the conservative northwest corner of the state. ]

Mitt Romney, whose donors funded the Club for Growth attacks. And then Mitt’s attacks in trying to brand me a liberal. I never could get that. [The third enemy was the weather. Snow in Greenville and Spartanburg on primary Tuesday kept potential voters home. ]

Funny he doesn't mention trying to get a better celebrity endorsement for South Carolina's Primary as Chuck Norris for Iowa.

By all estimations, Huckabee is right, though I'm not sure that South Carolina would have been so much a spring board for him as it was McCain simply because these people were his base, he had nothing to prove by winning South Carolina - McCain did and he spun it to the nomination.

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