A sleeping giant has awoke - in the wake of the passage of Prop 8 in California the LGBT community and their straight allies have taken to the street peacefully. Many are calling this Stonewall 4.0 as many of these protests have been grassroots organized and have utilized social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, as well as blogs and other web sites.
A push has been made to organize a protest in every state this Saturday from 1:30-3:00. South Carolina will host two protests. One will be in Columbia on the State House Grounds and the other will be in Charleston at Liberty Square where folks will march to the court house. (You must log in to facebook to see the details)
Who's leading these protests? Young people, natch. And perhaps more surprising to most older Americans is the number of heterosexual people that will be joining the gay community as this generation - the millennial generation, has come to understand gay rights as civil rights. The Columbia protest is being organized by the Progressive Network, Charleston's by a C of C senior.
For more news on this check out this blog run by the folks at Q-Notes, NC&SC Prop 8 Protests.
Tapping Into the Collective Consciousness: Winning Campaigns in the Digital
Albert Einstein once said, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is
to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but
get t...
3 weeks ago
No protest in G'Vegas?
Actually there is one!!!
Though I'm not sure how many folks will attend.... It is Greenville after all.
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