Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Angela Merkel has the hots for Barack Obama

The Reuters news service posted an article this afternoon that quoted Ms. Merkel as saying this:

Asked at a news conference on Wednesday what she thought of Obama, Merkel responded: "I would say that he is well-equipped -- physically, mentally and politically."
Physically? Really, what does that mean? He's in shape, he's young, or is she revealing a deeper attraction. She was then asked about accepting a back rub as she did from Bush and said:
"That's not really up to me," she joked. "But I wouldn't resist."
And even though she won't be in Berlin tomorrow for the Senator's speech she did say she might watch it on television.

Perhaps Ms. Merkel bought into certain stereotypes when she saw this video and agreed, once you go Barack you never go back.

But a few quips to the European press does not an affair make, yet it's more likely that European governments are getting a taste of Obamamania after all.

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