Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Charlotte Observer and Howard Dean on Fox Sunday

The Charlotte Observer endorses Obama, read it! Here's an excerpt:

Yet we're troubled by, to cite a few examples, these aspects of her presidential campaign:Many of her supporters seem intent on depicting Sen. Obama as the Jesse Jackson of 2008, a leader who appeals to an ethnic minority but not to the broader electorate needed to win.

She sometimes exaggerates her influence and experiences, as when she claimed she "helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland" and said she ducked under sniper fire in Bosnia.

Florida and Michigan were stripped of national convention delegates after breaking party rules by scheduling their primaries too early. The candidates didn't campaign in them. Yet after Sen. Clinton did well in those states, she pushed to change the rules and count the votes. That's a cynical, self-serving effort to corrupt the selection process.

Her tendency to tell voters what they want to hear is disturbing. Her proposal to suspend the federal tax on gasoline this summer is campaign gimmickry, not leadership. Her assertion that she was a critic of NAFTA from the beginning is simply unbelievable. The record shows she was an ardent advocate of the trade deal.

Some Democrats accept that as just the way the political game always has been played. Perhaps it is. But is that the best Americans can expect? We think not.

And Howard Dean just said on Fox News Sunday that for the Republican Party to associate The Rev. Wright with local candidates (i.e. the East Cheraw Dog Catcher) is patent race baiting and is of the stuff Willy Horton is made of. John McCain said the same thing when the NC GOP tried alleging the same connections with North Carolina Democrats -- the parties did nothing and McCain let it go. Just goes to show that Grand Ole Party has no interest in balming the wounds of the American People and is more interested in hate mongering and fear mongering than the Democrats (unless you're a Clintonista Ad Exec).

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