Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Mattheus Mei

Today, I turned a quarter of a century old. For 25 long years I've wandered this earth, and hope to wander it for at least another 25 more. But enough of me. From Wikipedia:

March 10, is the 69th day of the year and 7oth day during a leap year on the Gregorian Calendar.

March 10th has seen a host of events including the conclusion of the first Pelopenisian War(241 BC), the dissolution of Parliament by Charles I of England(1629), the Louisianna Purchase was ceremoniously carried out in St. Louis(1804), the Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty was ratified by the Senate to conclude the Mexican American War(1848), the first successful telephone call was made(1876), Warner Bros. Release first major film My Four Years in Germany(1918), Batista leads successful coup in Cuba(1952), Rings of Uranus discovered(1977), the Planets are in Syzygy(1982), Mattheus Mei is born(1983), the NASDAQ bubble peaks(2000).

Many famous Birthdays celebrated on March 10 and a host of people have died on March 10. On the religious calendar the feasts of Saint Himelin, Saint John Ogilvie, Saint Macharius, Saint Anastasia.

See The NYTimes and BBC for more info "on this day," as well as Brainy History - a snipit of which can be seen on the sidebar.
St. Elizabeth of Cayce attended the evenings ice cream social in honour of the day and has pictures available.

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1 comment:

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

When you get around to approving this comment, you can go check out pics here.