Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Stephen Colbert cut short in South Carolina

According to CNN Stephen Colbert's bid to run for president only in South Carolina has come to a halt.
According to the report:

"He does not appear to be campaigning to win if he is only running in one state," Carol Fowler said.

One of Colbert's opponents on the executive council, Charleston Democratic party chairman Waring Howe, defended the decision.

"Stephen Colbert clearly didn't qualify under our rules, and it would have been a mistake and wrong to violate our rules," he said.

Meanwhile, long shots Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel did make the cut.

This after the awesome showing at USC that Colbert brought this past Sunday. Have the likes of Kucinich or Gravel brought such attention when they've visited the Palmetto State? Nope, I don't even think that either has a field office in South Carolina.

What can I say, it looks like rejection from the establishment when the democratic party could have spun this and used the Colbert Campaign to activate the young voting block. After all, how other than the Democratic Triumvirate when do candidates bring so many "young people" into the fray and really engage them? The answer, they don't and even the Front runners aren't in tune with the young.

I just hope Stephen doesn't give up on South Carolina Peaches, the way that the political leadership (i.e. the monied class) has given up on his campaign. I suppose we cans till write him in, I hope....

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1 comment:

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

They made the official announcement today., Alas!