Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Today is brought to you by....

::Update::11/12/07:: TODAY IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE LETTER "R"::Today was the first day of class, got up this morning fairly early and headed out for the free continental breakfast and then into the hotel van to go to class. Our instructor is originally from Texas, and his accent gives evidence to that if not the wonderful array of Colloquialisms, he insisted that his appetites and mind was still Texan even if his blood had acclimated to the northern climes. But then he said it, and it, and I kept my mouth shut. What's a man from East Texas doing saying warshington.... Warshington - the R! It's so indicative of the people in these parts. I had a discussion at lunch with the guy from Fairfax VA (by way of Boston) and the guy from Utah about the North and the South. (The Guy from Fairfax had managed not to loose his accent, even though he moved to Richmond VA when he was 14, sorry Dogwood)

The class wasn't bad, I learned a lot, although the material was very dry - you can't really make negligence and torts very exciting.

Anywho tonight in the hotel is a line dance competition, how do I know this, when we got back from class people were practicing in the lobby, will add updates to this post, post-performance, how exciting.
And already the most distinctive thing about the fine people of PA is their accents. Restaurant the emphasis is on the AU similar to how it's pronounced in Auger, but subtly different, and bomb is pronounced like bum - wow.

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