Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

SC Authorities Nix Terrorism Plot

Whether intentional or not, the fact is that it is now more than clear that when the two men in Goose Creek were arrested earlier this summer that they were planning on a whole lot more than setting off some fireworks in North Carolina. According to The State:

In the back of the patrol car on the way to jail on charges of possession of an explosive device, the two whispered in their native Arabic while a hidden recorder taped their conversation, according to court documents: “Did you tell them there is something in them?” Mohamed asked, an apparent reference to the PVC pipes. “Water,” Megahed said. “Water! Right? The black water is in the Pepsi.” A few seconds pass in silence. Mohamed speaks again. “Did you tell them about the benzene (gasoline)?” “I have nothing to do with it. I do the fireworks and so... so... so... that is it.”
But the pipes weren’t fireworks.

Yes, in fact one had even posted a video on YouTube he told the FBI “the technology which he demonstrated in the tape was to be used against those who fought for the United States.”

Wow folks right in our back yard - were they after the Naval Base or the Pinopolis Dam? Either way that would have caused a significant blow to the South Carolina Low Country. The base is the (former) home to many enemy combatants and also to a naval nuclear weapons station. The Dam holds at bay a lot of water that could essentially have sunk Charleston and the surrounding environs. Could you Imagine the Holy City under water, or better yet in a deluge of flame?

Ironically enough the proposition of Charleston burning in Nuclear Inferno is not limited to the minds of terrorist, but happens in the last book of Harry Turtledove's Southern Timeline Series, as vengeance from the United States against the Confederate States - Charleston being where all that mess started. I doubt these two were harbouring distate for the Confederacy though.

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