Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Putting the Gay back into the Tea Parties

This will probably dampen the ranting lunacy of those folks who have usurped the libertarian Tea Party movement, the gays are coming to the party as well. And as we all know nothing's gayer than a Tea Party, except maybe a Picnic.

As LGBT Americans, we work hard, take care of our families, and pay our taxes every year. Yet, our families are not included in the very policies we help fund. Our loved ones are treated like legal strangers and denied the economic protections given to our heterosexual counterparts. It is time to take a stand. This April 15th, we will rally at post offices across the nation.
The site has a map showing the location of the planned events thus far. None are in South Carolina, yet, but there are potentially more rallies than the ones usurped above.

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1 comment:

jpdawkins said...

Sorry bud, I dropped the ball on this. More than willing to put something together over night if you can find 10 other folks who will show up.
