Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well Duh!

Drudge has a report up about an Atheist Soldier who alleges a pattern of Christian bias in the military. The complainant doesn't cite the criticism in recent years that the Air Force Academy as become a bee hive Colorado Springs style of Evangelicalism, but does cite:

The revised lawsuit criticizes the Army's 2008 manual on suicide prevention, quoting it as promoting "religiosity" as a necessary part of prevention and describing "connectivity to the divine" as "fundamental."

The lawsuit cites comments from a chaplain and a second soldier in Christian
missionary publications about attempts to convert Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, including the two soldiers' desire to distribute Bibles.

The lawsuit also notes that in 2007, the Air Force sponsored "Team Faith,"
which performs motocross stunt shows to "lead extreme sports athletes to Christ."

We knew about the second citation about attempts to coerce conversion through position as occupier over the occupied. And the other two don't surprise us. But to defend the military, at least they're not using religiously specific programming to help stem the tide of divorces. I suppose the overarching question is can we really be surprised by any of this?
Previously we found analysis that most people enticed to join the service were conservative and religiously oriented, a majority of whom are from the rural areas of the country, specifically the South and who have very little if any opportunity for advancement within their own communities.

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