Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Medieval Music to my ears

The State Newspaper has an article on a USC student who won a prestigious Marshall Scholarship to study Musicology at Oxford in Britain. She won the scholarship because her research into a 14th century chant manuscript took spanned continents from the Southeast to Sienna Italy and Madrid Spain to find the missing pieces to the music.
In Sienna, Italy was discovered the higher voiced portion of the manuscript, and in Spain the lower voiced portion. After pulling the parts together with the Columbia Manuscript the University's Chorus sang the Gloria, the first time the entire piece of pre-Tridentine French polyphony has been performed, in toality, in more than 600 years.

You can listen to the music here.

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