Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Vote however you like"

(H/t Sully)

This is a mental health break. I wonder what private school these kids go to in ATL?

Vote however you like....

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Anonymous said...

This is very cute and well done

Anonymous said...

Wanna see corruption? - Daytona Beach has earned the dubious honor of becoming one of the most corrupt cities in the United States. Corruption is so ingrained and so well organized that even the people in charge of prosecuting it are under control of the people benefiting from it.

From the purchase of overpriced land from political cronies, to the sale ofthe personal residency of a city commissioner to the city by over twice its just value, to the financing of personal hobbies and indulgences of tycoons at taxpayer expense, Daytona Beach has turned into Capone's Chicago.

The end result is a city in despair, high unemployment, low morale, rampant crime, homeless roaming the streets and an overworked police force that can't keep up.

Learn more about this poor city in badly need of Federal intervention The Daytona Post - Daytona Beach Unfiltered News