Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Republican Dirty Tricks

Vierdsen is reporting that South Carolina's GOP is attempting to "cage" voters, and presents interesting circumstantial photographic evidence,

According to sources close toVierdsonian Democracy the S.C. GOP may be involved in caging activities, which have been a very contraversial activity in places like Ohio.

Apparently, the state party has been sending out massive amounts of mailpieces...

word is that they’re taking mailings that are returned as “non-deliverable” to conduct challenges to the voter registration rolls.

Don’t know if it’s true, but John’s sources say it is. And, it’s a little messed up. The Republican Party in this state couldn’t be more powerful. Why is the state GOP pulling this?

The reality is, as First read has pointed out, that this year does promise huge turnout. In places like South Carolina where the national punditocracy believes this turnout will be high especially among the Young and African American population could pose an interesting situation. While locally the Obama Campaign and SCDP are cautiously optimistic they know that winning South Carolina has always been an outside chance especially when you consider the folks in Jesus Land. But there was always the second best scenario, that such turnout could purple this state and make the race here within low low single digits.

And in that is the rub.

While SC GOP's Baghdad Bob is want to deny deny deny the fact that even here in Columbia NEW voter registrations have increased exponentially (and therefore could be reflected across the state) if South Carolina is close - then what does that mean for dear Katon and his goals and aspirations to be Grand Poobah of the party nationally? 

So, IF the evidence plays out and the GOP in South Carolina is trying to purge the rolls and contest voters - no matter how much ignorant blabber comes from certain quarters - it means they're scared. And even if they're not overly frightened by a flip they're obviously worried about how close it may end up being, enough to possibly try drastic and questionable efforts to stop the bleeding.


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Jennifer Read said...

Thanks for keeping us all up to date on the registration mess. Has it gotten any better yet? Any more volunteers showing up to help out?

Dogwood Dell said...

Interesting fact: Palmetto Scoop is saying that the registration mess if false.

Someone should inform the Fourth Estate to do an investigative report if it's true.

Mattheus Mei said...

Absolutely, both of you.

I've been there volunteering, yesterday they had quite a few folks helping as well. They ARE nearly done inputin new registrants they're down to a little less than 1000 after working tirelessly since the middle of September. Right now volunteers are focusing on Absentee ballots and getting either the applications for ballots or the ballots themselves into the mail.

Last night I spent time organizing by precinct the applications for absentee, the employee who told me what to do seemed a bit frazzled so it wasn't clear if these were people who had also already submitted absentee ballots or were still needing to send them out, I'm thinking the former because they're going to mark the names of these folks on the rolls before sending the rolls out to the precincts for election day.

They still need volunteers, please spread the word.

As far as the 4th estate, yeah they need to know -- WIS solicited volunteers a couple weeks ago then said nothing more about it.