Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Papal X-Treme Makeover

Well according to those crazy Brits at the Times UK, Papa Bene is due for a make over. And who better to lead the project than famed Italian film director Franco Zaffirelli:

Mr Zeffirelli, 84, added that papal robes were sometimes "too sumptuous and flashy" as Pope Benedict compensated for not having the charisma of his predecessor. "What is needed is the simplicity and sobriety seen in the other echelons of the Church," he said. Pope Benedict has reverted to some traditional robes such as a red velvet cape trimmed with ermine and a fur-trimmed red cap, mistaken by some for a Santa Claus hat

Yes, and it's alleged that this Bavarian Pontiff is even fond of Gucci Glasses, and Prada Shoes to go with his high class Vestments.

"I know Joseph Ratzinger personally," he said ."He is very attentive to the importance of how the sacred is represented." But "his wardrobe needs to be revised......These are not times of high-tailored church wear. Papal vestments have been done over to be too sumptuous and showy."

Oh really?

"The Pope does not smile much, but he is an intellectual. He has a very rigid Bavarian structure."

That's odd, considering what fanfare this Pontiff brings. I must admit, when he was first elected, as a liberal, I shuddered, but I've warmed up to him in part for the precise reasons that this director is calling for a change.

I think that statement is a little much, he's made a great impression on younger Catholics, and his intellectualism and forgive the pun laid back mousy nature has certainly set him apart from his hot-headed predecessor the late John Paul the Great.

The Article goes on to say that:

After the general audience last Wednesday the Russian artist Natalia Tsarkova presented the Pope with a full length portrait. The portrait of Benedict XVI was commissioned by the Patrons Office of the Vatican Museums. It shows Benedict on a throne, with the Holy Spirit in the form of the dove hovering above his head.

Hmm. Perhaps the Pope can take another step in Fashion's direction and have Annie Leibovitz do a portrait next. I'm sure there won't be any alleged scuffles between the two as was alleged about Queen Bess.

No word has been mentioned yet for ABC's extreme home makeover to redo the Apostolic Palace just yet though.

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