Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

SC plant to use methane gas

I've not made any environmental comments lately, seems most have been related to religion... but a story in The State states that Kimberley - Clark is going to use a landfill in Aiken county to generate it's electrical needs.

"U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett, R-S.C., applauded the landfill gas-to-energy partnership and said it would help the nation become less dependent on energy sources abroad."

I still believe that more of these facilities can be and should be built across South Carolina. People may deride such ideas as impractical because compared to a coal plant they don't produce nearly as much energy but I say this. The shift has got to start somewhere. Perhaps if our leaders had the political will to get off their butts and legislate incentives or penalties for the citizenry to become efficient. (Wouldn't it be nice if all new homes built were built to a green standard?) If afterall we were efficient then we wouldn't require such huge amount of energy in the first place and these facilities could play a bigger part in producing our electricity and actually be viable.

But I'm going to be pessimistic for a moment, who am I kidding... this is South Carolina and with the current leadership in place - they're not going to convert poop to energy any more than they're going to take a stand on anything - the legislative and political cowards.

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