Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Monday, September 24, 2007

You've just gotta love the British

I just got reading an interesting obit on one Lady Jeanne Campbell that was in the Telegraph. She seems to have lead an extravagant and wild life. Here are some excerpts I found interesting:


As a journalist she covered the funeral of John F Kennedy in 1963, observing memorably that Jackie Kennedy had "given the American people from this day on the one thing they always lacked — majesty".


Lady Jeanne was wild. So numerous were her love affairs that James C Humes (a speechwriter for many American presidents) claimed in his memoirs, Confessions of a White House Ghostwriter, that she was the only woman to have known "Biblically" Presidents Khrushchev, Kennedy and Castro — and all, he claimed, within the space of a year.


When Jeanne was about four, Lord Beaverbrook asked her: "What shall I do about your mother?"; the child replied: "Cut off all her money, grandpa."


"[My grandfather's] great flaw was his inability to treat his women with dignity. Slowly he would turn on them and devastate them. He made them feel they had no right to exist." She attributed this characteristic to his Presbyterian background; whenever he had acquired a mistress, he felt guilty about her, and thus began treating her badly.


In the spring of 1961 Jeanne met Norman Mailer, and soon became pregnant by him. The affair with Luce ended and she returned to the Evening Standard. When, some years later, Gore Vidal asked her what had attracted her to Mailer she replied: "I had never gone to bed with a Jew before."


Apparently this Lady Campbell also had an affair with Henry Luce II, who's wife, Clare Booth Luce Patroness of Mepkin Abbey near Charleston, SC. Interestingly enough her last husband and she actually moved from New York to their plantation near Blufton SC.

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