Leonardo"s Notebook by Mattheus Mei

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Do you know what happens when Gnomes die? Well they certainly don't become statuesque members of an ethereal third reich

Honestly, I don't even know how it happens. I periodically will burst out in song and usually it's a theme song to a television show I watched growing up. Today was no different, at about 2pm today I started singing the theme to the Nickelodeon cartoon - David the Gnome.

Do you all remember the show? Well I was browsing the linked variations and episode clips when I came across one that purported to show what happens when gnomes die. Though because it's a show for small children or for those who are small children at heart they didn't use the actual word verb to die. I'll get to that in a moment though.

What doesn't happen when gnomes die is they don't become little statues sieg heiling from amongst the pansies and monkey grass, although Andrew Sullivan did find a photo for his 'Face of the day' of a gnome who appears to be doing precisely just that.

An art installation titled 'Dance of/with the Devil' by German artist Ottmar Horl, featuring hundreds of Nazi-saluting garden gnomes, forms part of the the Flanders Expo - LineArt Exhibition on December 5, 2008 in Ghent, Belgium. The international 'fusion' art fair runs from Dec 5-9. By Mark Renders/Getty.

Weird ain't it? Any who, when gnomes die -- apparently they become trees. Yeah who would have thought right? Little yard gnomes transmorph through the power the page flip into apple trees while their companion foxes look on in disbelief howling in their grief.

After finding out just what happens to gnomes, truly a mixed emotional experience, I found myself just a little blue and in need of some cheering up. How would David and Lisa cheer themselves up I thought? And then quickly I realized that's just crazy why am I trying to think like 2-d drawings on a piece of celluloid? So I quickly clicked another link and found this gem of a cover for the Gnome series.

Who would have ever thought they were watching David the Gnome in Karachi in the late 80's early 90's?

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